Organic & Natural Beads
100% Authentic Rudrakshas
All Certified Rudraksha Beads
Energized, Activated & Charged
Sarvaarthasiddhi & Shuddhi Done
Proper Packing as Per EU Norms
Intructions & Guidance on How to Wear
Characterstics & Features of Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen faced Rudraksha awakens the sixth sense organ by which the wearer foresees the future happenings
Its wearer never fails in his decisions
Its wearer gets rid of all the calamities, miseries, worries
It provides the wearer safety and riches
It is a very powerful remedy for Saturn and provides miraculous cures to several ailments
It is recommended to be worn on chest as a pendant, on forehead on third eye region or on right arm
It helps in achieving moksha /salvation from the world which is the essence of human life
The wearer of 14 mukhi rudraksha becomes divine and becomes dear to Lord Shiva
Fourteen faced Rudraksha is the symbolic to Lord Kuber, The God of Treasure &Wealth
As per Hindu Mythology, this rare rudraksha bead represents fourteen forms of Vidya, Manu, Indra & Lok respectively
It is considered as a very importance rudraksha as it contains almost all the benefits of two mukhi Rudraksha to 14 mukhi Rudrakshas
It is considered good for businessmen,politicians, managers, leaders & administrators
It provides Safety & Security
It gives Riches and Self Power
It also awakens Sixth 6th Sense
It removes black magic & its effects
It improves the visualization power
It is very useful in right decision making
It activates the crown chakra which is located between two eyebrows
It brings the wearer close to Lord Shiva and also fulfills all his desires
It helps to remove the affected planetary positions of Saturn like Shani Dosha and Kal Sarp Dosha
Mantra – “Om Namah” , “Om Namah Shiva
NOTE: All our products are Energized, Pranpratishtha done, Activated, Shudhi done as per our Vedas. Sarvarthsidhi is properly done, then product is delivered to the customer. All the products on our website are completely safe and natural.